DIARRHEA IN PETS CURE IS SIMPLER THAN YOU THINK Diarrhea is frequent and uncontrollable evacuation of loose, watery stools. Diarrhea is not an illness in itself, it is a symptom showing that the body needs to remove something from the digestive system as quickly as possible. Diarrheas can be caused by a variety of reasons including chemical poisoning, a bacterial or viral infection, food sensitivities,...
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BELLADONNA (Atropa belladonna) Don’t be deceived by beautiful purple flowers, dark green leaves, and sweet tasting berries! Belladonna is one of the most poisonous herbs in the world. For centuries it has been a weapon of choice for murders and suicides. This annual plant grows about 2 to 4 feet high and usually thrive in damp and shady spots. The entire plant—from its roots to...
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BILBERRY (Vaccinium myrtillus) Bilberry is closely related to the blueberry, the cranberry, and the huckleberry. It looks a lot like a blueberry but has its own distinctive taste. The berries contain pectin, tannins, organic acids, flavonoid glycosides, quercetin, anthocyanin, A, B, and C vitamins. The leaves contain tannins, flavonoid glycosides, neo-myrtillin, arbutin, hydroquinone, organic acids and the trace mineral manganese. This humble, wild-grown berry is...
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ARNICA (Arnica montana) Arnica is one of the richest substances found in nature’s pharmacy. It has the power to relieve many of the common aches, pains, and injuries that occur in our daily lives. The main uses of Arnica include bruising, swelling, pain relief, arthritis, and injuries. The dried flower heads and rhizome were first medicinally used by Swiss mountaineers to help prevent sore and...
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OLIVE LEAF (Olea europaea) Olive leaf, as the name suggests, is derived from the olive trees. It has been medicinally used since Ancient Egyptian era where it was considered a symbol of heavenly power and was used in mummification of the Pharaohs. Recorded medicinal use of olive leaves in modern history dates back to the early 1800s. when pulverized leaves were used in a drink...
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NEEM (Azadirachta Indica) Neem is a tree whose bark, leaves and seeds are used to make medicine. Neem is a versatile herb that is beneficial for plants, animals and humans. Its health and beauty treasures have been exploited for centuries in the Indian subcontinent and are slowly becoming known to the rest of the world. USES: Are you ready to be blown away by what...
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