GINKGO BILOBA Ginkgo biloba(Salisburiaadiantifolia) is a natural extract derived from the leaf of the Chinese ginkgo tree, also called the maidenhair tree. It is an impressive and wondrous creation of Allah SWT packed with wide-ranging health benefits. You will have to read on to believe how much this little plant has to offer to the entire family—young and old. Ginkgo biloba is more famously taken...
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ROOIBOS Rooibos tea is a native of South Africa and has been used in that region for centuries, though its health benefits are only just being introduced to the rest of the world. It is a rich herb with high levels of antioxidants, zinc, and alpha-hydroxy acids, which makes it especially great for skin and hair health. It is also packed with enzymes like nothofagin,...
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GREEN TEA Not as familiar to the Western palate as the black tea, but it is certainly not an unknown variety. As the world becomes a smaller place due to easy and fast spread of knowledge, we are discovering more and more hidden treasures from other parts of the world. Green tea, most popularly known as the ‘anti-aging beverage’ has been an integral part of...
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CINNAMON When I see the word cinnamon, the first thing that pops to mind is cinna-buns—sweet smelling, warm, soft cinnamon rolls! It truly is a struggle to think straight afterwards. But cinnamon is so much more than just an aromatic spice found in fall-flavored or festive foods. Cinnamon is a sweet-smelling spice with a gentle heat in its taste. It is the bark of cinnamon...
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BRAIN Tea is beneficial for your brain.It helps protect brain cells from degeneration and helps to keep the mind sharp and focused. Researchers suggest any type of tea may be helpful for brain health.However,Catechins,a natural compound in tea,were found to protect brain cells from the protein,that builds up over the years and undermines cognitive function.The higher the Catechins content in a tea, the more effective...
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BLACK TEA The aromatic whiffs of which you get to enjoy across the Muslim world. Black tea has been around for centuries. It spread like wildfire, and I totally get why! through the Silk Road when caravans traveled across the Muslim world sharing exciting treasures discovered along the way. We know our tea, but mostly for its flavor, not for its benefit. Black tea is...
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