LAVENDER Lavender is well-known for its amazing aroma, gorgeous flowers, and calming properties. Whether in the form of essential oils, incense, or tea, it can sooth anxiety and stress, and bring clam. In the form of tea, lavender has antioxidants like regular tea leaves but without the caffeine. You can brew a blend of lavender and chamomile tea at bedtime for a soothing sleep-inducing beverage....
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WHITE TEA White tea is not white in color! Irrespective of its name, it is still your average looking dark colored concoction. White tea refers to tea in its raw, natural state. After picking, the leaves are simply arranged and allowed to dry, without processing. Studies have shown that the amino acid L–theanine found in the tea plant alters the attention networks in the brain...
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ROOIBOS Rooibos tea is a native of South Africa and has been used in that region for centuries, though its health benefits are only just being introduced to the rest of the world. It is a rich herb with high levels of antioxidants, zinc, and alpha-hydroxy acids, which makes it especially great for skin and hair health. It is also packed with enzymes like nothofagin,...
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OOLONG TEA Oolong tea is nature’s gift rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and alkaloids. It is developed in semi-fermented processing, which provides the tea with numerous polyphenolic compounds and adds even more valuable health benefits. Oolong tea also contains caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine (which are similar to caffeine) that on consumption, may stimulate the nervous system. Oolong tea is fragrant with a fruity flavor and...
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HIBISCUS Hibiscus tea is ruby red in color and has a delicious tart taste, flavor similar to cranberry. It is widely available in the market throughout the tea-drinking world and can be consumed hot or cold depending on your preference. This tea is low in calories and is caffeine-free. It is high in Vitamin C, antioxidants, and trace minerals. Hibiscus tea is prepared by boiling...
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CHAMOMILE Gentle soothing chamomile tea is one of my favorite bedtime drinks. Do you know it was our Prophet Muhammed (SAW)’s favorite tea as well? Chamomile is an aromatic herb with antispasmodic, anxiolytic, antibacterial, and anti-mutagenic effects. It is a great stress reliever and helps relax nerves. Chamomile tea is an ideal beverage for inducing feelings of calm and rest, which are critical for overall...
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