SUPPLEMENTS TO IMPROVE ORAL HEALTH & REVERSE CAVITIES The secret of oral health is plenty of minerals. You may be incorporating a lot of raw vegetables and fruits in your diet but many foods today are being grown in nutritionally depleted soil and lack proper mineral content. This is why supplements help fill the gaps. Taking supplements alone won’t do the trick. It has to...
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MISWAK—THE NOW COOL SUNNAH You have probably come across the recent trend of using ‘raw toothbrush’ or ‘natural toothbrush’. It may be a new trend in the Western World but us Muslims have been using it for centuries. Prophet SAW regularly used siwak, or miswak and emphasized its use. Over the years many researches have been done on miswak—both in the Muslim and Non-Muslim world—and...
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VAGINAL YEAST INFECTION? TIME TESTED SOLUTINS TO GET RID OF IT FOR GOOD WHAT EXACTLY IS A VAGINAL YEAST INFECTION? Yeast is a natural part of the vaginal flora. It lives in small numbers and is pretty harmless. Its only when it grows out of control that it becomes a nuisance. We discussed the reasons for vaginal yeast infections in the article (What’s Up With...
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STRETCH MARKS? ELIMINATE THEM NATURALLY & QUICKLY Female belly with pregnancy stretch marks closeup on a gray background Tiger stripes—a beautiful reminder of the exceptional feat of giving birth. They are such a natural part of pregnancy and nothing to loath or be embarrassed about, but the reality is that they can take a toll on a woman’s self-esteem. Stretch marks are a form of...
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SIMPLE PREGNANCY EXERCISES Want to minimize back pain during pregnancy? How about maintaining optimal energy throughout your pregnancy? Would you like a fast return to your pre-pregnancy shape after the delivery? Umm…yeah! Who wouldn’t! The secret is proper nutrition and exercise. Research proves that women who regularly exercise before and during pregnancy have less back pain, more energy, better emotional, physical and mental health, and...
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WHY OH WHY?! FACIAL HAIR GROWTH DURING PREGNANCY It’s a boy! Is the same said in your culture when a pregnant woman has excessive facial hair growth? A baby, whether boy or girl, is welcome but facial hair are not. Flawless, smooth skin is any woman’s dream, especially when it comes to the face. While some women are fortunate enough to have very fine facial...
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