OIL PULLING; DOES IT REALLY WORK? Oil pulling has been getting a lot of attention in the health blogs, and has been a hotly debated topic. Let’s start by establishing the premise that it is an age-old practice, and by no means a recent phenomenon. WHAT IS OIL PULLING? It is a fancy form of mouthwash where you use high quality oils, especially ones with...
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MAKE YOUR OWN REMINERALIZING TOOTHPASTE If someone had suggested I make my own toothpaste just 5 years ago, I would have rolled my eyes. Things have changed quite a lot since. Today, it’s a no-brainer! After trying almost ALL of the hundreds of different toothpastes out there, and researching the ‘active’ and not so active ingredients in them, I resigned and started making my own....
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HEALING WITH ZAMZAM WATER Zamzam water is a familiar object in a Muslim household. The holy water that was brought back by those fortunate ones who visited the holy land! The funny thing is that I didn’t know how Zamzam water actually tasted like until I tasted it in Makkah, even though I have had it many times before. Turns out that the tiny souvenir...
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CAN I REVERSE TOOTH DECAY? Do you regularly brush and still get cavities? You barely eat sugar and still can’t seem to avoid tooth decay? Are your children showing signs of tooth decay? You are not alone! I suffered from teeth issues from my early teens into my twenties. No matter how much I brushed, whether I flossed or not, what toothpaste or mouthwash I...
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I AM NOT BEING UNGRATEFUL, THIS IS THE TRUTH! I miss the rain! I am sick of this snow! I am craving this food so much! I miss that place so much! I can’t take this place anymore! Phrases we so readily and mundanely use without any understanding of their real significance and eventual consequences. Most of these phrases are used for small talk and...
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CAN WE REALLY HEAL WITH QURAN? Ruqyah is spiritual healing. It is done through recitation of the Quran, seeking of refuge in Allah, remembrance and supplications. They are used as a means of treating physical sicknesses as well as black magic, evil eye, possession of Jinn and envy. But it doesn’t necessarily work for everyone. There is a secret. That secret is your iman and...
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