Keys of Knowing Your Teas by Function “Tea is a marvelous elixir of health that has the capacity to prolong human life. Most medicines treat only a single ailment, but tea is a panacea for all ills.” –Japanese proverb It is certainly a bold statement but not unfounded one. In this section, you will find teas according to their function.

NATURAL TOOTHBRUSH; WHAT’S ALL THE HYPE ABOUT You have probably come across the recent trend of using ‘raw toothbrush’ or ‘natural toothbrush’. It may be a new trend in the Western World but the African and Arab world has been using it for centuries. It is known as ‘miswak’. It has a long-documented history and is widely considered a preventive medicine for your teeth. WHAT...
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NATURAL PET FOOD 101 WHAT ARE THE BASICS I NEED TO KNOW? We all want to give our loyal companions the best care and comfort. Best doesn’t necessarily have to mean expensive. We can keep pets on a budget and still ensure they receive the care to remain healthy and happy. In this article, you will find some of the basics to assure best possible...
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IS YOUR PET SUFFERING FROM MOTION SICKNESS? Though any pet can develop motion sickness, dogs are the most frequent sufferers probably because they are taken out so much. The first step in helping your dogs become good travelers is to take them out everywhere so they get used to the car, especially when they are pups. Healthy, frequently handled, and well-socialized pets can handle car...
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WHAT HAPPENED TO THE GORGEOUS SHINY COAT? Do you notice hot spots, bare patches, feline acne, dull-looking fur, itching, bumpy rashes, scratching, shedding, bad odor, dandruff, greasy coat, pigment changes, matting, and tangles on your cat or dog? In most pets, minor skin and coat problems occasionally occur but it should never be a consistent problem. Skin is an organ of elimination and may be...
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WHY IS RAW FOOD BETTER FOR MY PET? What is the problem with cooked food? Don’t we eat cooked food? A French chemist Paul Kouchakoff discovered something very interesting in the 1930s. He noticed that as soon as cooked or processed food is tasted, white blood cells rush to the intestines and try to destroy it as if it is a pathogen. When the volunteers...
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