MULTIPLE ORGASMS: MYTH OR REALITY? I know, I know! It is a hush hush topic among the Muslims. But it really shouldn’t be! It is such an important part of our daily lives and like all things practical, there is no reservation in discussing this topic in Islam. It all boils down to etiquettes of discussion, language used, and the appropriate circumstances. My job is...
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SAY GOODBYE TO ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex. It is also known as ‘impotence’. Having erection trouble from time to time isn’t necessarily a cause of concern since day to day activities affect the libido and desire. However, if erectile dysfunction is an ongoing issue, then it is a cause of concern. It...
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SEASONAL ALLERGIES IS YOUR BODY READY TO FIGHT? Spring is right around the corner. It is one of the most beautiful season of the year…said no allergy sufferer ever! If you suffer from seasonal allergies, your life kind of goes on a hold for these couple of month. The only thing that is really active, is your runny nose! We are bombarded with advertisements about...
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MEASLES WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW AND DO TO OVERCOME IT Measles is a viral infection and is also known as rubeola. It is a childhood infection and can be serious and even fatal for children; however, adults are just as susceptible to catching the virus. Measles is a highly contagious virus found throughout the world. People get measles by breathing in the measles virus...
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GET TO KNOW YOUR GLANDS and their function Glands are the silent soldiers of the body which keep it protected and functioning properly without attracting too much attention. Unfortunately, most of us find out about our glands is when they dysfunction and our body begins to go haywire. Glands are organs in the human or animal body which secrete particular chemical substances for use in...
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MEASLES WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW AND DO TO OVERCOME IT Measles is a viral infection and is also known as rubeola. It is a childhood infection and can be serious and even fatal for children; however, adults are just as susceptible to catching the virus. Measles is a highly contagious virus found throughout the world. People get measles by breathing in the measles virus...
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