GINSENG Ginseng, made from the ginseng root, is a staple of Asian medicine and helps boost energy and improve circulation. The major health benefits of this tea are due to the naturally occurring chemicals called ‘ginsenosides’ present in the root. While it doesn’t have a directly calming effect, ginseng still stands among the best teas for stress since it can combat depression and fatigue by...
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GINGER Ginger root has been celebrated both as spice and medicine for centuries. It is a well-known remedy for colds, flu, indigestion, and nausea. But the benefits of ginger are not limited to only these issues. Ginger has amazing overall health benefits which you are about to see for yourself. There are many ways of consuming ginger. It can be eaten raw both fresh &...
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HIBISCUS Hibiscus tea is ruby red in color and has a delicious tart taste, flavor similar to cranberry. It is widely available in the market throughout the tea-drinking world and can be consumed hot or cold depending on your preference. This tea is low in calories and is caffeine-free. It is high in Vitamin C, antioxidants, and trace minerals. Hibiscus tea is prepared by boiling...
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GREEN TEA Having water retention issues? Struggling to lose weight? Have a party coming up and need to desperately drop a few pounds? Make green tea your best friend for the next few days! Green tea, most popularly known as the ‘anti-aging beverage’ is packed with amazing nutrients. Cultures such as Japan, where aging is relatively slow and less-impairing & weight gain is a non-existent...
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CINNAMON When I see the word cinnamon, the first thing that pops to mind is cinna-buns—sweet smelling, warm, soft cinnamon rolls! It truly is a struggle to think straight afterwards. But cinnamon is so much more than just an aromatic spice found in fall-flavored or festive foods. Cinnamon is a sweet-smelling spice with a gentle heat in its taste. It is the bark of cinnamon...
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GINGER Ginger root has been celebrated both as spice and medicine for centuries. It is a well-known remedy for colds, flu, indigestion, and nausea. But the benefits of ginger are not limited to only these issues. Ginger has amazing overall health benefits which you are about to see for yourself. There are many ways of consuming ginger. It can be eaten raw both fresh &...
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