DO YOU REALLY NEED FACIAL TONER? WHAT IS A TONER ANYWAY? A toner’s function is to thoroughly clean your skin—removing the dust, pollution, and impurities that can still be lingering after washing with a cleanser. Most toners are water-based liquids composed of specific ingredients including plant extracts and essential oils, tailored to address a variety of skin types. Mainly there are hydrating toners, calming and...
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BODY ODOR? YOU DON’T HAVE TO LIVE WITH IT! Relax, it’s not only you. It happens! Body odor is the perceived unpleasant smell our bodies can give off when bacteria that live on the skin break down sweat into acids.Sweat itself is virtually odorless to humans. It is the rapid multiplication of bacteria in the presence of sweat and their breaking down of sweat into...
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LET YOUR SKIN GLOW Sure, beauty is more than skin deep, but a beautiful glowing skin is definitely a plus! Skin is the largest organ of your body. Yes! It is an organ just like liver, spleen, and kidneys. It also needs proper nutrition in order to be healthy and functioning well. The difference between skin and other organs is that instead of beign protected...
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BLACKHEAD REMOVAL—WITHOUT THE HASSLES Blackheads are caused by your skin producing too much oil which turns dark when exposed to air. Though almost everyone gets them at one point or another, blackheads can be an eyesore. Getting rid of a blackhead permanently requires removing the entire blockage, not just the black, oxidized section. There are blackhead extraction treatments, strips, creams, pads, and a myriad of...
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BYE-BYE DARK SPOTS! FOOL-PROOF RECIPES FOR REMOVING DARK AND AGE SPOTS Dark spots are brown, gray, or black in color that appear on your skin due to overproduction of melanin, the skin pigment. The actual cause of the overproduction is unknown, but there is a good chance that they may occur as a result of aging, hormonal changes, acne/injury on the skin, sun or UV...
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PAINFUL SEX? These Two Words Don’t Belong Together! Sex is meant to be a pleasurable and relaxing affair. Unfortunately, that’s not the reality for many women. Sex for them is often a painful and uncomfortable experience which leaves them dreading the time with their loved one which is supposed to be sensual and exciting. Even though women of any age can experience this discomfort, a...
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