URINARY TRACT INFECTION WHAT IS IT? A urinary tract infection (UTI) can occur in any part of the urinary tract including the kidneys, urethras, bladder or urethra. These are the structures that urine passes through before being eliminated from the body. It is mostly caused by bacteria; however, fungi or viruses can also cause UTIs. Urinary tract infection is second only to respiratory infection as...
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EMOTIONAL WELLBEING THROUGH NUTRITION Many of us suffer from issues with our wellbeing whether it is symptoms on the emotional or physical level. Demands of the modern lifestyle, poor eating habits, constant interruptions to thoughts and routines through phones, messages, social media etc. are causing higher stress levels among people. These stress levels manifest in various physical, mental and emotional dis-eases. When people go to...
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NATURAL HAIR CARE FOR YOUR HAIR TYPE Shiny, luxurious, healthy hair is everyone’s dream! Beautiful hair add grace to your personality and give you a more youthful appearance so it is no wonder that hair care products is a multi-million-dollar industry. Like most cosmetic products, hair products are also loaded with toxic chemicals such as Formaldehyde, Toluene, Methyl methacrylate, P-phenylenediamine, and Ammonium persulfate. These chemicals...
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PERKY BREASTS WITHOUT EFFORT? Yes, please! Perfectly shaped and perky breasts are indicative of youth and beauty. Age, improper bras, wrong exercises or lack of them, poor posture, can all take a toll on the health and form of the breasts. Once the breasts sag or lose their perkiness, it is hard to bring them back to a youthful form, but it is certainly not...
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TACKLE YOUR ACNE, THE NATURAL WAY I understand that this might be an oversimplified take on a very complicated condition. This brief post is written regarding adolescent acne which is a normal occurrence and treatable if addressed properly. Blackheads, whiteheads and the red, swollen, pus-filled lesions known as pimples is common condition during teen years and is called acne vulgaris. It is so common that...
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MAKE YOUR OWN NATURAL SUNSCREEN What if I tell you that most sunscreens are not helpful in avoiding skin cancer and may actually increase the chances of it? Sound crazy, doesn’t it? Research suggests that it is not such a crazy notion. I am certainly not encouraging you to not wear sunscreen or disregard your doctor’s advice. What I am asking you is to be...
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