POSTPARTUM CARE KIT FOR MOMMIES Between trying to remain fit and healthy, visits with your doctor and mid-wife, filling out the registry and setting-up the nursery, and let’s not forget nausea and hunger-pangs, nine months just fly-by. The last thing on our minds at this time is postpartum care, especially during the last few weeks when each day feels heavier than the day before and...
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EXPERIENCING SKIN DISCOLORATION DURING PREGNANCY? HERE IS WHAT YOU CAN DO Have you notices patches of dry skin appearing on your face or arms? Have your nipples, scars, and freckles gotten darker? Though you may not exactly be thrilled, the good news is, you are not alone! WHAT IS IT? It is fairly common for pregnant women to develop blotches of dry skin called Chloasma...
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LOSING HAIR AFTER GIVING BIRTH? CONTROL THE SITUATION WITH THESE EASY NATURAL WAYS Pregnancy hormones bring along a nice and unexpectedly sexy surprise—thick and lustrous mane of hair. But once you have your baby— poof! The magic seems to disappear! Most women get alarmed, even shocked, to find themselves losing strands of hair. First thing you need to know is this: You are not going...
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RETROGRADE EJACULATION WHAT IS RETROGRADE EJACULATION Retrograde ejaculation refers to a condition when semen enters the bladder instead of going out through the urethra during ejaculation. It is a relatively harmless condition and doesn’t need to be treated unless it is to restore fertility. The presence of semen in the bladder is harmless. It mixes with the urine and leaves the body with urination. SYMPTOMS...
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ENLARGED PROSTATE GLAND BPH / BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA WHAT IS PROSTATE Prostate is a small gland in men which is about the size of a walnut. It is located below the bladder and surrounds the tube that carries urine from the bladder (urethra). The prostate releases a fluid component of semen. BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA (BPH) Prostate problems are common in men 50 years and older....
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DO ADOLESCENTS NEED SUPPLEMENTS? There is nothing like eating natural, fresh food. Most young adults who eat a well-balanced diet and are generally healthy do not necessarily need supplements. At least for the time being. Though this topic is a little complex. If you are an active individual or an athlete, then your dietary needs differ from a person who leads a more sedentary lifestyle....
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