' OOLONG TEA | Muslim keys of health




Oolong tea is nature’s gift rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and alkaloids.
It is developed in semi-fermented processing, which provides the tea with numerous polyphenolic compounds and adds even more valuable health benefits. Oolong tea also contains caffeine, theophylline, and theobromine (which are similar to caffeine) that on consumption, may stimulate the nervous system.

Oolong tea is fragrant with a fruity flavor and a pleasant aroma. Despite its caffeine content, it is still a relaxing beverage.

The health benefits of oolong tea are doubled because of the combined qualities black and green tea. According to the Tea Association of the United States, Oolong falls somewhere between green and black teas, as its leaves are partially oxidized. This makes it a unique tea with amazing health benefits.

It’s important to consume oolong tea in moderation because it contains high levels of caffeine. The recommended quantity is two cups a day.


Plain black tea is rich in antioxidants known as polyphenols and also has minimal sodium, proteins, and carbohydrates. Compared to other tea types, black tea is particularly high in chemical compounds called thearubigins. These chemicals give black tea its reddish color and are formed during the oxidation process of making black tea. Studies suggest that thearubigins benefit the body and mind in many ways, including lessening the effects of coughs and colds, providing anti-inflammatory effects that benefit certain illnesses such as IBS, and fighting prostate cancer and A375 melanoma cells. Its many other benefits include the following:

  1. Weight Loss Aid: The polyphenolic compound in oolong tea is very effective in controlling the fat metabolism in the body and thus reduce weight loss. Daily consumption of this tea can reduce obesity. In one study, mice that were given polyphenols in addition to a high-fat and high-sugar diet still showed a decline in overall body weight and fat index.
  2. Fights Free Radicals: The polyphenolic compound in oolong tea is also responsible for the removal of free radicals in our body. Therefore, daily consumption of oolong tea can help people against the potential harm that these free-moving cells often pose to the body which include cancer, atherosclerosis, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, neuro-degeneration, and diabetes.
  3. Prevents Cancer: Oolong tea is rich in anti-cancer properties, and studies have shown it to be highly effective against ovarian cancer. The polyphenolic compound in oolong tea promotes apoptosis in case of cancerous cell growth in the stomach. This polyphenolic extract also acts as a chemo-preventive instrument against the development of other cancers. The compounds stifle the activation of carcinogenic cells, prevent the formation of N-nitroso compounds and trap genotoxic agents before they can become effective.
  4. Skin Care: Studies have shown patientswith eczema to benefit from drinking 3 cups of oolong tea throughout the day. The beneficial results of this tea could be seen in less than a week in these patients who will show remarkable improvement in recovering from skin problems.
  5. Improves Bone Health: The antioxidants present in oolong tea protect teeth against decay, strengthen the bone structure, prevent osteoporosis, and promote normal, healthy growth of the human body. Long term studies showed that people who consistently drank black or oolong tea for more than 10 years were less likely to lose their bone mineral density over that span of time.
  6. Manages Diabetes: Oolong tea helps regulate the amount of blood sugar and insulin in the blood stream.
  7. Reduces Stress: L-thanine found in tea leaves is an amino acid that blocks L-glutamic acid to glutamate receptors in the brain. This prevents cortical neuron excitement which leads to an increased cognitive activity and neural stress responses. This causes the stress to decrease. A lab study conducted at the Osaka Institute for Health Care Science in Japan showed a remarkable improvement in the stress levels by 10% to 18%.
  8. Improves Mental Health: Regular intake of oolong tea may help in improving mental performance and maintaining alertness throughout the day.
  9. Lowers Cholesterol: Oolong is known to reduce cholesterol levels and promote heart health. It is able to activate the enzyme lipase, which is known to dissolve body fat.
  10. Aids in Digestion: Oolong can help aid digestion for those not sensitive to caffeine. The tea alkalizes the digestive tract, reducing inflammation in those with acid reflux and ulcer problems. Because it is mildly antiseptic, oolong tea can clear bad bacteria from your belly.
  11. Promotes Healthy Hair: The rich amounts of antioxidants in oolong tea can prevent hair loss if you rinse with it. It also softens and thickens the hair while giving it a lustrous shine.
  12. Strengthens the Immune System: Oolong tea assists in maintaining a healthy immune system. The antioxidant flavonoids found in the tea prevent cellular damage. The production of anti-bacterial proteins is much higher in those who drink oolong tea, indicating a strong immune response when fighting infections.

Word of Caution:

  • High doses (4 cups +) can cause addiction and may lead to headaches when the tea is removed or its daily intake is reduced.
  • Oolong tea tends to be high in caffeine. Caffeine treats many people differently, but some of the side effects of excess caffeine are anxiousness, headache, sleeplessness, diarrhea, heartburn, irregular heartbeat, and confusion.
  • Drinking too much oolong tea can sweep out excess calcium that your body is processing. For people with osteoporosis, this can speed up bone degradation. Even though other elements of oolong tea are helpful for this condition, it is best to use it as a preventive method for bone problems, rather than a treatment.



  • 1 teaspoon if the tea is rolled into balls and up to 2 tablespoons if it is large open leaves
  • 1 cup of water


  1. Bring the water to a rolling boil.
  2. Pour water over the leaves and cover.
  3. Steep the tea leaves for two to six minutes (depending on your taste and the strength of the tea).
  4. Strain out the tea leaves.
  5. Enjoy!