Though any pet can develop motion sickness, dogs are the most frequent sufferers probably because they are taken out so much.
The first step in helping your dogs become good travelers is to take them out everywhere so they get used to the car, especially when they are pups. Healthy, frequently handled, and well-socialized pets can handle car rides much more easily than pets who are used to being in isolated environments with minimum social interactions.
Here are some simple steps you can take to help your pet deal with motion sickness.
1. Feeding
Don’t feed your pet before a car ride. Let it fast for half a day and give small, not large, amounts of water before departure.
2. Ginger
Ginger is the most effective anti-nausea herb recommended for pregnant women, and seasick, airsick, or carsick passengers. Fortunately, ginger works just as effectively for animals. If your pet would take pills, give ½ capsule for young or small animals, and 1 to 2 capsules to adults. If not, give the ginger in small amount of food a few hours before travel.
If traveling makes your pet anxious, and your suspect that might be the reason of their motion sickness, give them calming nervines such as valerian, hops, passionflower or skullcap, which will help them relax and sleep.
3. Massaging Therapy
The responses that trigger nausea can be interrupted with simple ear massaging. Massaging the left knee and putting pressure on and around that area can also help calm nausea and indigestion.
4. Essential oils
Peppermint is a great essential oil for those suffering from motion sickness, and this applies to pets as well. Other essential oils which can helps are Patchouli, Grapefruit, Dill Weed, Lavender, Myrrh, and Roman Chamomile.
The simplest way to use essential oils for this purpose is in car diffusers. However, if the smell is too much for other passengers, then dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil like Argan or Olive oil and apply it on a napkin. Let your pet sniff the napkin before getting in the car, and once in a while during the drive.
Happy travels!