' ALLERGIES DRIVING YOU CRAZY? | Muslim keys of health



Allergies driving you crazy title

Do you suffer from allergies?

Is it becoming difficult for you to lead a normal lifestyle?

You are not alone!

Allergy is increasingly becoming the most common chronic condition globally. The World Allergy Organization (WAO) estimate of allergy prevalence of the whole population by country ranges between 10 – 40%. Most of these people are allergic to more than one substance.

I want you to remember one thing: just because you are suffering from allergies now, does not mean that it needs to continue!

You can reset your body and get rid of most of your allergies for good. In order to do that you need to understand what allergy is; how and why we develop it; and how can we overcome it.

This requires knowledge, discipline and perseverance. With just a little bit of effort and consistency you can lead a healthy, allergy-free life.


Allergies, or allergic diseases are conditions caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system to typically harmless substances in the diet and environment.


Allergies are usually classified according to their causes, or the parts of the body they affect. Some of the most common allergies are:

  1. Respiratory Allergies
    1. Hayfever or allergy of the nose
    2. Asthma
  2. Skin Allergies
    1. Atopic dermatitis or eczema
    2. Hives or urticarial
  3. Food Allergies
  4. Drug Allergies
    1. Antibiotics in the penicillin family
    2. Aspirin and other painkillers
    3. Muscle relaxant and general anesthesia
    4. Local anesthetics
    5. Dyes injected into the blood for x-ray purposes
    6. Sulpha
    7. Barbiturates
    8. Anticonvulsants
  5. Insect-sting Allergies

Depending on what causes the allergy and what body part it affects, the symptoms and remedies will be different.

In this article, I will not go into detail on each of these allergies. I will address each allergy individually in separate articles. What I will attempt to do here is to give you an understanding of the root causes of allergy and how we can address the problem from its roots. As always, I am not interested in providing temporary relief but to eradicate the issue altogether and reset the body’s system.

This is not to undermine the importance of natural remedies for immediate relief. As a past sufferer of allergies, I know how miserable you feel and how important it is to provide immediate relief! I will provide remedies for each kind of allergy in a separate article.


        pollen causes hay fever
        dust can trigger your eczema
        wasp sting can cause severe reaction

however, this is not what I am talking about. I am talking about the deep, underlying cause.

The answer is straightforward: IMMUNE SYSTEM!

The critical question and its crucial answer is…your immune system is responsible for your allergies.

This includes…

  • Habits of the person
  • Genetics
  • Environment
  • Diet/Nutritional intake

This leads us to possibly one of the most important question and understanding:


This is where you need to really pay attention.

Often our health issues start before we are even born. We derive our first nutrients from our mothers while we are still inside them. Our health, or lack of, is very intimately tied to their health and what they eat.

If the mother neglects her diet during pregnancy and doesn’t have necessary nutrients OR if she has a genetic problem, then it affects the child and is the beginning of all future immune related issues.

This is the first and the most important reason behind immune related issues. However, it is not the only thing. There are many things which contribute to it overtime. Some of these are…

  • Neglect of proper diet for the growing child, especially if the child is a picky eater. Often parents give into the child’s demands and allow him to eat whatever he likes and not what’s good for him.
  • Baby formula given to the child; sometimes, the effects of the formula are not immediate but overtime it begins to affect child’s health. The best for any baby is mother’s milk as it strengthens immune system. However, if for some reason the baby cannot be given breastmilk then the best option is goat milk as it is closest to breastmilk. All the formulas should be given under the guidance and consultation of the pediatrician. It is also important to closely monitor the baby for any abnormal developments such as hives, rashes etc after switching to formula.
  • Introducing wrong foods at the wrong time can also lead to developing allergies later on in life. ex. sugar, dairy, strawberry, chocolate, nuts, seafood should all be avoided in the first two years of life. Another common mistake parents sometimes make with babies is instead of introducing a new food to the system, they give large quantities. The right approach is to introduce only one new food item at a time and give a small quantity. Let’s say you give baby oatmeal for the first time, only give a spoon and wait for 2 to 3 days before giving it again. Also, do not introduce any other food during that week. You want to know if the baby is able to handle the food or is reacting to it in anyway. Meanwhile, you also do not want to overwhelm the tiny body’s system by giving too many new substances.
    Another thing I would advise against is using store-bought baby food as it contains preservatives. Even if it is high quality organic food, they need to add preservatives to elongate the shelf life. Home-made food is the safest and most healthy for your baby.

    You also want to avoid store bought biscuits and baby cereals. They contain a lot of ingredients and if your baby reacts to something, you wouldn’t know what is causing the problem. Avoid these for at least the first 2 years of baby’s life until their immune system is familiarized with most food and environmental substances and is stronger.

  • Don’t introduce solid food to your baby too early. Baby’s digestive system is very delicate. The ideal food for their system is breastmilk and then soft fruits and vegetables. Usually babies start showing signs of interest in foods between 4 to 6 months. Just because they are showing interest does not mean they are ready to handle complex foods. Do not feed them grains, legumes and saucy foods as their digestive system is not developed enough to break these foods down. Only introduce simple fruits and vegetables during the first 9 months of life.
  • Don’t be paranoid and not give any solids to the child at all during the first 2 years of life. Some people become paranoid and insist on keeping the baby exclusively on breastmilk for the first 2 years of life. This is not healthy either. Babies can eat simple fruits and vegetables and they should be exposed to them otherwise their bodies can become weak.
  • Do not allow the child’s habit and likes and dislikes to override what is good for the child. As an adult, you know what is good for them, they don’t. They will eat what you give them. If you introduce chicken nuggets to them at 7 months, this is what they will like and demand. I know it is easier said than done, but what is important is that it is doable. There are children in this world who have never tasted sugar, who have never eaten potato chips and eat their broccoli. It is all about your discipline and values. If you give in to their demands, you are only doing them and yourself a disservice.
  • Feed your children locally grown, organic products as much as possible

    Why local grown? Because local grown products are healthier for your immune system. When your food is grown in the soil near you, and the bees have helped pollinate the crops using the pollen from the same environment, there is a very low chance you will develop allergies to that soil, that pollen, the local plants etc.

    Why organic produce? Organic produce is grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides and other harmful chemicals. It is not the food that are harmful to our systems, it is these chemicals that our bodies can’t recognize and can’t eliminate. What do you think happens to systems of little bodies when they are loaded with chemicals? Of course, their immune system is affected and compromised when it has to fight so many unwanted substances.

Let’s go back to our original point…

Immune system does not become weak overnight. The well-being of our immune system starts before our birth and is affected by the choices that are initially made for us, and then the choices we make as we grow.
If a child grows up with bad eating and lifestyle habits, the body eventually becomes weak and does not have what it needs. That’s when the immune system gets so weak that the body starts developing intolerances to foods and environmental stressors.

Take for example, children who eat the same food daily such as Nutella sandwiches, chicken nuggets, peanut butter, no fruits or vegetables, a lot of nuts, or excessive amounts of anything in short time which the body cannot handle. It causes imbalance in the body generating a weak immune system.

Over the years these poor habits wreak havoc on the immune system and body becomes susceptible to diseases and allergies. The weak immune system is the root cause allergies.


Weak immune system means the body can’t protect itself from germs, infections and other harmful invaders.

What happens when a child gets a cold or flu? They can’t breathe from their nose and start breathing from their mouth. This is an unnatural way of breathing which has a huge impact on a person’s health. In our context, it deprives body of proper oxygen supply. This affects the health of lungs, and weakens the immune system.

The same goes for when people don’t blow their nose properly and eventually develop the habit of breathing from their mouths.

If the child (or adult) has chronic sinus, allergies, and nasal congestion, there is internal dripping, especially at the time of sleeping. Overtime this develops mucus in the lungs and starts a new ailment—asthma.


This, in a nutshell, is the reason(s) behind allergies, and eventual development of asthma. Weak immune system, allergies and asthma go hand in hand.

This leads us to the next big question…



Even if you have severe allergies, and have had them for years, you can still overturn the condition and reset your body.

Like I always say, there is no such thing as hopeless, as long as you have a hopeful mind!

Since we have established a direct connection between allergies and weak immune system—irrespective of what kind of allergy it is—the reason is almost always the same. We can presume with certainty that if we strengthen our immune system, it will be able to tolerate, overcome, and remove irritants and allergens from our system.

So the logical way of dealing with allergies is not anti-histamines, and allergy meds. Yes, they can provide temporary relief, but they are not the cure. And the cure is possible!

Reset and strengthen your immune system.

This is the way to overcome hay fever, eczema, asthma…you name it!

Note: One of the first things you want to do is limit your exposure to the irritant that is causing allergies, especially when the allergies are already triggered. Once your immune system is strong enough, it will be able to ascertain and filter irritants from harmless environmental substances. This is why it is important to work with a natural healthcare provider to help you guide through the initial phases of the process until your body is healed.


Our health is a combination of foods we eat, foods we do not eat, our physical activity, or lack of physical activity, lifestyle, & good and bad habits.

What we eat, drink, do and don’t makes us who we are, and how we are.

If you want to change anything about your health, you have to change your habits.

NOTE: The only form of allergy this approach may not work on is food allergies. We will discuss food allergies as a separate topic. For all other forms of allergies, you can trust this approach and be prepared to see some amazing results!

Here are some of the things that can help strengthen your immune system and help you overcome allergies.

Increase these foods in your diet, unless you are allergic to them:

  • Raw, local honey; you want to make sure it is local honey because the bees have gathered the nectar from plants whose pollen is causing you allergies. When you eat local honey daily, by the time the pollen season rolls around, your body begins to recognize it as a regular part of the environment and not an invader.
  • Manuka honey; the best immune booster you can consume. It is four times richer in its nutritional value as regular flower honeys. It is often pricey but it is worth the investment if you consume it as medicine.
  • Hot spicy peppers; they contain capsaicin which is a vasodilator and helps expand airways to ease breathing, removing phlegm, decongestion, and aids in proper intake of and distribution of oxygen in the body.
  • Bone broth; strengthens the immune system starting from your GI tract. You should ideally consume it year-round.
  • Probiotic-rich foods; fermented vegetables like kimchi or sauerkraut if you are experiencing allergies at the moment. If you don’t have allergies, then strengthening your body with goat milk kefir, yogurt, or probiotic supplements.
  • Pineapple
  • Apples & Apple Cider vinegar
  • Fresh organic grass-fed meat
  • Free-range organic poultry
  • Turmeric
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Lemons
  • Green Tea
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Ginger
  • Collard Greens
  • Flaxseeds or flaxseeds oil
  • Fresh fruit and vegetable juices

What foods should I avoid?

  • The foods that cause inflammation in the body should be avoided at all costs; at least long enough for body to calm down and reset itself. These foods include:
    • Wheat
    • Dairy
    • Alcohol, especially beer
    • Caffeine
    • Peanuts (nuts in general)
    • Sugar
    • Artificial sweeteners
    • Processed foods / fast foods / refined foods
    • Melons & bananas (they are damp and can cause mucus)


  • Nettle Tea: 6 teaspoons to 6 cups of water. Sweeten with some honey. Good for allergies and adrenal glands so not only does it provide relief, it actually helps heal and reset the system.
  • Honey + Bee Pollen + Royal Jelly: Mix them together and take a spoon twice a day. Make sure that you get these products from a local bee farm so it helps your immune system stop reacting to pollen and plants in your environment as irritants and accept them as friends, not foes.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon, a small piece of fresh ginger, and a pinch of hot pepper (cayenne or chili pepper) and consume it twice daily. You can make enough for 2 to 3 days and store it in a cool dry place.
  • Moringa: It a very rich plant with the potential to treat hundreds of ailments. Moringa is rich in nutrients and helps the body properly absorb the nutrients. Therefore, it can be very helpful in strengthening the immune system by helping the body make use of the nutrients that are being consumed. In lab researches, Moringa seeds reduced the Th2 response in animals with allergic asthma.


The supplement you need often depends on the kind of allergies you have. I have listen some of the most effective supplements to overcome allergies and strengthen immune system. You can either do a research on each of these and determine which one would be most effective for you, or better, work closely with a Natural Healthcare Provider to help you find the most suitable remedy for you.

  • Spirulina
  • Quercetin; bioflavonoid acts as a natural anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory
  • Butterbur; excellent for sinus headaches and congestion
  • Probiotics
  • Vitamin A
  • Zinc
  • Bromelain
  • Stinging Nettles
  • Vitamin C 1000mg
  • Vitamin D3 1000 IU


  • Stay hydrated; drink at least 3L of water daily.
  • Limit pollen exposure during the allergy season in order to not stress your body unnecessarily.
  • At the first sign of allergies, wear a medical mask to limit inhalation and exposure to allergens.
  • Wash your hands often; wash your hands and face as soon as you return from outdoors.
  • Shower before bed; cleanliness is very important in your fight against allergies
  • Wash clothing, bedding, and towels regularly.
  • Wipe down pets; if you have pet allergies, don’t stress your body unnecessarily. You can live without pets, but you won’t be able to live without your health.
  • De-clutter; the more things you have in your environment, the more places dust, pollen, and other allergens have to hide and stress your immune system.
  • Use a high-quality air filter to purify the air you breathe.
  • Change your air-conditioning filters on regular bases.
  • Use a humidifier or de-humidifier depending on your environmental needs.
  • Check your home and office environment for any mold and mildew as they can wreak havoc on the health.
  • STOP eating leftovers, especially if they have not been stored properly in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Even if stored properly, leftovers should be avoided on a regular basis. Here is why…

    Have you taken food out of the refrigerator after a few days and it stinks? Do you think it spoils overnight? Once you cook the food, the disintegration process and bacterial work has already started. When you store the food in the refrigerator, this process slows down but doesn’t end entirely. When you eat leftovers from 2 to 3 days before, they may not have spoiled yet but there is bacterial activity happening. When you consume that food, your immune system gets busy trying to remove the harmful bacteria from your system that entered with that food.

    Overtime, this constant fight can exhaust the immune system and make it weak; especially if the body’s intake of highly nutritious food is low.

  • In extreme cases, if your asthma and allergies are exacerbated by your environment and you cannot control it, move to a better, healthier environment.
  • Make sure to breathe from your nose and not from your mouth. Proper breathing alone can be the difference between wellness and ailment.


Our bodies are magical. They have the potential to heal themselves. Did you know you can remove almost 80% of your body’s toxins through proper breathing?

What effect do you think that will have on your immune system?!

Here are some very simple breathing techniques to help strengthen and reset your immune system. It is not magical and won’t work overnight. However, if you consistently do the breathing exercises daily, you should notice significant improvement in your overall health.


  • Sit at a comfortable place with your spine straight. Place your hands on the knees.
  • Take a deep breath. As you exhale, pull your stomach in. Pull your navel in back towards the spine. Do as much as you comfortably can. You may keep your right hand on the stomach to feel the abdominal muscles contract.
  • As you relax the navel and abdomen, the breath flows into your lungs automatically.
  • Take 15-20 such breaths to complete one round.
  • After completing the round, relax with your eyes closed.
  • Repeat 2 more times.

Techniqu 1

  • Take in a deep breath and breathe out forcefully through the nose, without any strain.
  • Immediately breathe in with the same force.
  • Inhale and exhale repeatedly, deeply and thoroughly, using the diaphragm muscles. The abdomen moves out during inhalation and the diaphragm descends. The opposite happens while exhaling
  • The movements should be exaggerated and a strong nasal sound will accompany such breathing. The process should be controlled, maintaining the rhythm and speed according to the person’s capacity.
  • Do ten cycles to complete a round.
  • It is recommended to do 3 rounds daily.

Technique 2
Remember, all of this has to happen simultaneously, as a package deal. Change of habits, proper eating and drinking, avoiding harmful foods, teas and supplements cannot be done in turns, to “try them out.” It all has to be taken seriously as a package for it to have healing effects on the body.



    All qadr (destiny)—good and bad—comes from Allah SWT.This is a fundamental belief of faith. Our Islam is conditional on this belief and understanding. We also know…

    “Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear.” (2:286)

    Allah SWT also tells us…

    “And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient…”(2:155)

    This makes a few things clear to us:

    • Your illness and discomfort is a test from Allah SWT.
    • We all will be tested one way or another. We cannot choose how we are tested by Allah SWT; rather Allah SWT chooses how He will test us.
    • We cannot get caught up with who, how, when, where etc. These are irrelevant questions if we believe in the destiny and know that what we have gotten is a test from Allah SWT and couldn’t have happened without His will and command.

    This doesn’t mean that we don’t seek the cause of the illness for the purpose of cure. If you don’t know what is causing your asthma, you can’t cure it. This is not what is meant by ‘questioning the qadr’.

    We are referring to the state of heart and questions like ‘if I had done such and such, this wouldn’t have happened.’ It is the ‘if’ and ‘but’ which are problematic, and we should definitely not let our thoughts wander in that direction.

    • Allah SWT has chosen you, that is why you are being tested.

      • Allah SWT tests those whom He loves.
      • Rasul Allah SAW said: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that.”

        Think about that! Allah SWT is cleansing you and preparing you to meet Him SWT without sins.
      • It is elevation of your ranks. When Allah SWT loves someone and tests them, and they remain patient, Allah SWT raises their ranks until they are among the most beloved of Allah’s slaves. The key here is patience! Allah SWT says:

        Who, when disaster strikes them, say, “Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return. Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided.” (2:156-157)
    • Allah SWT will never leave you alone during the trials. He is WITH you, providing you are with HIM. Allah SWT says: No disaster strikes except by permission of Allah. And whoever believes in Allah – He will guide his heart. And Allah is Knowing of all things. (64:11)
    • Allah’s tests are not a punishment, rather they are blessings in disguise. Allah SWT created us for akhirah. He SWT wants us to struggle for Jannah. He SWT wants us to go against our base desires and temptations, and follow the message of Islam; how else are we going to earn Jannah?

      However, it is not easy! The pressures of this world, the temptations, the expectations, they all make us busy for this world and we forget the hereafter. Without realizing, all our energies, focus, efforts, and struggles are for worldly success, and we give our leftover time to our akhirah. This is not at all what Allah SWT wants from us. He wants the opposite.

      When we get sick, it puts a brake on our daily lives and routines, and we have no choice but to sit back and take account of our lives. It is during times like these, when we are weak, vulnerable and desperate that we remember Allah. Now you tell me, is that a punishment or a wonderful blessing?

      Most people never find time for Allah, until they are deprived of their health or wealth, and are forced to scream ‘O God! Help me!’ That call to the Lord and vulnerability to Him is definitely a blessing!

    • The Lord who gives us an ailment or disaster is also completely capable of lifting it up. In fact, the ONLY ONE who can cure us is Allah SWT. Medications and treatments are only means of attaining that cure; they are not the cure. How many times have we seen that people take the same medication but it works for some and doesn’t have any effect on others. That’s because Allah allowed it to cure some and intended otherwise for some.

      Allah is Ash-Shaafi, the Healer.

      Allah is As-Salam, the Giver of peace & security.

      Allah SWT says in the Qur’an: “And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them.” (7:180)

      Call Allah ‘Ya Shaafi’ and believe that if He wants to cure you, no one and nothing can stop Him. And if you are not meant to be cured, then He can make your suffering easy and make it a source of cleansing.

    • Don’t ever wish for death, no matter what your situation or how intense the pain is. Instead do what the Prophet SAW suggested:‘None of you should wish for death because of a calamity befalling him; but if he has to wish for death, he should say: “O Allah! Keep me alive as long as life is better for me, and let me die if death is better for me.”’
    • Ask yourself: What does Allah SWT want from me now? If we get a disease, we have gotten what Allah chose for us. Now, He wants us to do the following:

      • Be patient
      • Be grateful to His many blessings
      • Seek cure—charity, dua, ruqya, medicines—all the while believing that only Allah can cure us


    Rasul Allah SAW said: “There is no diseases that Allah has created, except that He also has created its treatment. There is no cure for only one illness.”
    He was asked, ‘what diseases is it?’
    He answered, ‘old age.’”This teaches us something very clear: Seek cure but keep your trust in Allah and know that only Allah can cure you.

    There are many medicines available but they do not conform to halal standards. They contain products derived from pork, or contain alcohol. Please don’t tell me that ‘this is the ONLY way.’ Why would Allah SWT put a cure in something that He has not allowed us to use? It is really common sense and very basic faith.

    Look for cures in permissible things. The Sunnah of our Prophet SAW is rich with many medicinal advices. Here I will share a few of them with you.


    Prophet Muhammed SAW told us:
    “There is healing in black seed for all diseases except death.”

    Black seed is known with various names in the Muslim world—habbat-al-barakah, kalonji, black cumin etc. However, you should know it by its scientific name in order to avoid confusions with similar looking seeds. It is called Nigella sativa.


    It is enough for us to believe in its blessings and benefits based on the saying of the Prophet SAW. However, science has backed this statement of the Prophet SAW fully. To date, various researches have been done on it in both the Muslim world and general scientific community, and the results are astonishing.

    There are multiple ways of consuming black seed, depending on the need and what it is used for. For best results, I recommend that you use it under the guidance of a Naturopath or an herbalist. According to the Sunnah, seven seeds in the morning will cure any disease and prevent illnesses, unless destiny strikes. Another common way of consuming it is its oil. Black seed oil is very potent.

    These are the common indicators of determining whether the oil is freshly pressed and pure or not:

    • It should be sold in a dark, glass bottle to avoid penetration of light; don’t buy it if it is sold in a plastic bottle.
    • The taste should be nutty and slightly spicy.
    • The aroma should be strong and if you sniff it strongly, it would slightly sting your nose.
    • The oil should be thick but not sticky. If should feel smooth like machine oil between your fingers.


    Muslims all over the world know the virtues and benefits of Zamzam water. It was given to humanity as a mercy and gift from the Lord of the Worlds. What else do you expect from a water whose source of origin was the wing of Angel Jibreel (AS)?

    Rasul Allah SAW said:

    “It is a blessing, and it is food that satisfies.” (Muslim) Al-Tayaalisi added, in a version that he narrated: “and a cure for the sick.”

    The key of course is faith and sincerity. If you believe in Allah SWT—the Restorer, Protector and Healer—and make dua believing ONLY in Him SWT, He will heal you just through Zamzam inshaAllah.

    Zamzam water has attracted attention of modern day scientists and major studies have been done on it, especially in Japan and Germany. We have discussed it in detail in HEALING WITH ZAMZAM WATER

    Drink Zamzam water as much as you like. It is nourishing, fulfilling, delicious and full of barakah. Make dua before each sip and believe that Allah SWT will fulfill your duas because His Prophet told us so:

    ‘The water of Zamzam is for whatever purpose it is drunk for.’


    Prophet Muhammed SAW said, ‘Treat your sick by giving Sadaqah (charity).’ (Sahih)Feed the hungry, clothe the needy, provide monthly ration for a desperate family, anything to serve others. The du’as of the needy and oppressed in your favor are listened and answered, and are a source of bringing down the mercy of Allah SWT.

    Some people ask, ‘how much sadaqah should I give?’ The answer is quite simple. Give as much as you value your life! If you value your life and health, you will not hesitate to spend. The more you spend on others, the more Allah SWT will spend on you.

    Prophet SAW said: “There is no person who is afflicted with a wound on his body, and he gives charity due to that, then Allaah expiates from him the like of what he gave in charity.”

  5. RUQYA

    Ruqyah is spiritual healing. It is done through recitation of the Quran, seeking of refuge in Allah, remembrance and supplications. They are used as a means of treating physical sicknesses as well as black magic, evil eye, possession of Jinn and envy.The secret of ruqyah is faith and sincerity. You will not believe what the most common ruqyah are to relieve pain, agony and to heal.

    • Surah Al-Fatiha: put your hand over the body part that is afflicted and recite Surah Al Fatiha at least 7 times.
    • Bismillah ir Rahman ar Raheem: Just placing your hand on the body part that is hurt and reciting bismillah is shifa, inshaAllah.
    • The dua of Ayyub AS:‘An-nee mas-sa-ni-yaD-Dur-ru wa ‘AN-ta ‘Ar-Ha-mur-raa-Hi-meen.
      Truly distress has seized me, but You are Most Merciful of those that are merciful. (Quran 21:83–84)

    • Allahumma Salli wa sallim ‘ala Sayyidina Muhammadin al-Hadi ila tariq al-milla. Allahumma salli wa sallim ‘ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa bi jahihi isrif ‘anni kulla maradin wa alamin wa waja’in wa ‘illa (then, mention the particular sickness), wa ‘ala alihi wa sahbih.

      Oh Allah bless and bestow peace upon Sayyiduna Muhammad, the Guide to the path of religion. Oh Allah bless and bestow peace upon Sayyiduna Muhammad, and through his rank, remove from me every illness, pain, ailment, and disease, and upon his Family and Companions.
    • It is recommended to touch the area of pain with the right hand while reciting this supplication:

      Allahuma rabbi-nas adhhabal ba’sa, ashfi wa entashafi, la shifa’ illa shifa’uka shifa’ la yughadiru saqama.

      Oh Allah! The Sustainer of Mankind! Remove the illness, cure the disease. You are the One Who cures. There is no cure except Your cure. Grant us a cure that leaves no illness.

    • Repeat the following du’a seven times:

      ‘As’alu Allah al ‘azim rabbil ‘arshil azim an yashifika.

      I ask Allah, the Mighty, the Lord of the Mighty Throne, to cure you.

    • This du’a should be recited while the sick person places his or her right hand on the area of pain. The word “bismillah” should be repeated three times, and the entire supplication should be recited seven times:

      A’oozu bi’izzatillaahi wa qudratihi min sharri maa ajidu wa uhaaziru.

      I seek protection in the might of Allah and His power from the evil of what I am experiencing and of what I fear.

You already have the tools for improving your health!

You just need to accept the responsibility of your own health, and by reading this article, I believe you have already started on that path.

Say no to suffering and yes to health. Take your keys of health back into your own hands.

All that is left, is for you to commit and heal.