Balanitis is an inflammation of the head of the penis, glans, due to infection or other causes. Balanitis can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful, but it is not usually serious. It is a common condition, affecting approximately 1 in 25 boys and 1 in 30 uncircumcised males. Boys under the age of 4 years and uncircumcised men are at the highest risk, but it can happen at any age.

Women can also have balanitis, in the form of inflammation of the clitoris, however, this article will focus on the glans of the penis.


There are three types of balanitis:

  1. Zoon’s balanitis: It is the inflammation of the head of the penis and the foreskin. Usually affects middle-aged to older men who have not been circumcised.
  2. Circinate balanitis: it normally occurs as a result of reactive arthritis.
  3. Pseudoepitheliomatous keratotic and micaceous balanitis: it is characterized by scaly, wart-like skin lesions on the head of the penis.


Signs and symptoms of balanitis include:

  • Tight, shiny skin on the glans (head of the penis)
  • Redness around the glans
  • Inflammation, soreness, itchiness, or irritation of the glans
  • A thick, lumpy discharge under the foreskin
  • An unpleasant smell
  • Tight foreskin that cannot be pulled back
  • Painful urination
  • Swollen glands near the penis
  • Sores on the glans. Soreness, irritation, and discharge may occur under the foreskin 2 to 3 days after sexual intercourse.Note: Some of the signs and symptoms of balanitis are similar to those of an STI or thrush. Therefore, it is important to visit a specialist immediately upon experiencing any of these symptoms to get correct diagnosis.


Balanitis can be caused by a number of conditions:

  • Infections

    • Candida albicans is the most common cause of balanitis. Candida is the fungus that causes thrush.
    • Bacteria since they can multiply rapidly in the moist and warm conditions under the foreskin.
    • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) such as Herpes simplex virus, Chlamydia, and syphillis.
  • Skin conditions

    • Lichen planus: a skin disease with small, itchy, pink, or purple spots on the arms or legs.
    • Eczema: a chronic, or long-term, skin condition that can lead to itchy, reddened, cracked, and dry skin.
    • Psoriasis: a dry, scaly skin disorder
    • Dermatitis: an inflammation of the skin, due to direct contact with an irritant or an allergic reaction
  • Irritants which can cause the skin of the glans to inflame. These irritants include:

    • Chemicals used in condoms, lubricants, and spermicides.
    • Detergents or washing powders and fabric conditioners that are not completely rinsed out of the clothes.
    • Perfumed soaps and shower gels; strong soaps or gels containing harsh chemicals.

Note: Daily washing and drying the penis carefully so no moisture remains under the foreskin helps reduce the risk, although excessive genital washing with strong soaps may aggravate the condition.

  • Diabetes

    It increases the risk of infections, especially if blood sugar levels are poorly controlled and tend to remain on the high side. If glucose is present in urine, some of it may remain on the foreskin and can cause bacteria to multiply more quickly.
  • Phimosis

    It is when the foreskin is too tight, and it is difficult or impossible to retract it, or pull it back, fully over the glans. Sweat, urine, and other substances can accumulate under the foreskin, causing irritation and allowing germs to multiply. Phimosis is more common among boys under the age of 4; it is rare in teenage and adult males.
  • Other Causes

    Unprotected sex, poor hygiene, and having a urinary catheter also increase the risk. A woman who has vaginal thrush can infect a man, increasing his risk of developing balanitis.


The answer to this question is somewhat complex and cannot be narrowed to a simple yes or no. It depends on the kind of balanitis and its cause. This is why it is best to get an expert opinion and meticulously follow the advice.

  • Balanitis caused by the normal skin bacteria on the penis or caused by a chemical skin irritant is generally considered non-contagious.
  • Balanitis caused by certain fungi (yeast) and/or specific bacteria or viruses (including those that cause STDs such as gonorrhea) is transferable from one person directly to another person, and thus contagious.
  • Although the actual disease balanitis usually is not transferred to other males, the organisms causing balanitis may be transferred.
  • Since some of the bacteria, fungi, or viruses which cause balanitis are contagious, balanitis could be considered “contagious” under special conditions (such as balanitis caused by STDs).

The time frame for complete recovery varies according to the nature of the infectious agent. Generally speaking, once the course of treatment is completed and the symptoms have disappeared, then you can be considered ‘cured’ or ‘treated’ and are no longer contagious. However, it is best to be considerate to your partner and get yourself tested to make sure you won’t pass it on to her.


Prevention is always better than cure! There are simple hygienic practices that can help you keep your private area clean and trouble free.

  • The foreskin should be pulled back so that the glans is exposed.
  • The area should be washed thoroughly and gently with warm water and mild soap (herbal or baby soaps). Harsh soaps may irritate the skin, so they should be avoided.
  • Thoroughly wash the area to remove any soap / cream / gel residue.
  • Before replacing the foreskin, the glans should be completely dry.
  • Men who tend to develop balanitis after sex should wash their penis after engaging in sexual activity.
  • If your partner has thrush, wait till it subsides before engaging in sexual activity. If engaged in coitus, make sure to wash thoroughly.
  • Eat a well-balanced diet with a healthy dose of fluids.
  • Regularly change your underwear; wear 100% high quality cotton; avoid wearing spandex and tight pants.
  • If using condoms, choose the ones for sensitive skin in order to avoid irritants.
  • After urination and defecation, wash yourself with water before wiping with a toilet paper. This method has been proven to be more hygienic and sanitary than simply wiping.


Balanitis is a painful condition but it is treatable. It is usually caused by bacteria, sweat and other discharges which are collecting under the foreskin, so hygiene is the key in both prevention and treatment. With proper hygiene and regular care, you can prevent its recurrence. Here are some of the things you can do to treat balanitis naturally. Like all medicine, herbs are potent and might not be suitable for all people. Therefore, it is best to work under the guidance of a health care practitioner.

  • Oregano Oil

    Mix two to three drops of oregano oil with a teaspoon of coconut oil, flaxseed oil or olive oil. Apply it on the affected area of penis, upper inner thighs and scrotum. It works wonders but you should not apply oregano oil if you have sensitive skin since it is strong and can sting or burn the skin.
  • Garlic

    Garlic is a powerful antibiotic, antibacterial and antifungal herb. It is one of the best remedies to treat balanitis. Increase its use in diet by adding it to casseroles, soups, stir-fry dishes and salad dressing. If you can handle a little sting and do not mind garlicky smell, you can crush some garlic into paste and apply it to the affected areas. This will help reduce the inflammation, and kill the bacteria causing the infection.
  • Cayenne Pepper

    Add fresh cayenne pepper in soups, curries, marinades, stir-fry dishes, and however else you can consume it. Cayenne pepper contains Vitamin A which reduces the inflammation and strengthens the immune system. Capsaicin in the cayenne pepper reduces the pain caused by balanitis. DO NOT apply cayenne pepper directly on the affected area or you will forget all other pain you have ever experienced!
  • Aloe Vera

    Aloe Vera is a wonder herb for all skin conditions. If you are affected with balanitis, simply peel an Aloe Vera leaf, remove the gel and spread it on the affected area two or three times per day.Note: If you are using gel out of the leaf, make sure to cut the leaf and let it stand 5 to 10 minutes upside down so the cut-up part is at the bottom; this will help drain all the irritants from the leaf.
  • Angelica Root

    Tea made from Angelica root helps improve the condition. Simply steep one tablespoon of dried angelica root into one cup of boiling water for ten minutes, strain and drink. You should have up to three cups of angelica root tea daily until the condition improves.Note: Do not use fresh Angelica root since it can be toxic. Only use dried root purchased from reputable herb stores.
  • Ginger

    Ginger is one of the most effective remedies to cure balanitis. Consume as much freshly grated ginger as possible with your food and drinks. You can make tea with fresh ginger root and drink it up to 3 times daily until condition improves.
  • Coconut oil:

    Coconut oil is rich in lauric and caprylic acid. These are what give it its anti-inflammatory properties. Simply apply this oil on the affected area three to four times daily. However, it is most effective if it is taken internally. You should take two to three teaspoons daily until the condition improves. Coconut oil can be taken raw as is, or added to warm drinks such as coffee or tea.

    Note: Make sure the oil is lukewarm in temperature before you apply it topically. This temperature can be achieved by putting the bottle of oil in hot water for a few minutes, or pouring the oil out in a warm ceramic plate or cup.

    Another important point to remember is that this remedy will only work if balanitis is in its early stages. Coconut oil will not be effective if balanitis has already progressed to its advanced stages. That is why a diagnosis from the physician is important before administering any treatment, natural or otherwise.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar

    Add one cup of apple cider vinegar, one cup of sea salt and a few drops (10 to 12) of tea tree oil to your bath. Make sure the water is lukewarm in temperature and not too hot, otherwise it may burn the affected area. Sit in the bathtub for up to 15 minutes, daily or as often as possible.

    You can also add a few drops of apple cider vinegar to a mild lotion and use it as an anti-fungal cream.

    You can make a diluted solution of apple cider vinegar and water (1/3 apple cider vinegar to 2/3 water), keep it in a spray bottle in the bathroom and spray the affected area each time you use the toilet and take a shower before drying the private parts thoroughly.
  • Tea Tree Essential Oil

    Tea tree oil is a potent anti-fungal treatment. You should wash your penis daily with a diluted solution of tea tree oil (ten drops of tea tree essential oil to 1 cup of water). You can make this solution in a spray bottle and keep it in the bathroom so it is readily and easily accessible. If you use this remedy regularly, there is a very good chance you will not develop balanitis or any fungal infections around your privates.
  • Calendula

    Drinking Calendula tea 2 to 3 times daily is highly effective against balanitis. You can also use calendula cream topically if you are unable to drink the tea. You should only apply this cream once daily, after thoroughly washing the area.
    Note: Calendula can cause allergic reactions that is why it is best to work closely with a naturopath or an herbalist. It is important to stick to recommended doses of calendula because if it is used in high doses or too frequently, it may cause infections to worsen, and may cause skin to ooze and weep.
  • Yogurt

    Eating the yogurt and/or applying it topically are both effective remedies for balanitis. Applying yogurt topically helps ease the symptoms and soothes the affected area. Apply it 4 to 5 times daily, let stand for 3 to 4 minutes and then wash thoroughly with water. Eating up to two cups of good quality yogurt is good for overall health. If you add some freshly grated garlic to your bowl of yogurt, it makes it more potent and doubly effective.

Have you tried any of these remedies?

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